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Our Online Insurance is a Class Apart – BuyAnyInsurance

Written by Sahar

Have too many online insurance options got you confused? You’re not the only one. Vendors for car insurance, health insurance, and home insurance are everywhere. Like any other industry, the insurance industry has an overstuffed presence online. This is true for the UAE as well as any other market.

So, how do you choose? Which is better and which is not? With an influx of too many online comparison sites, it can be hard to find the one that’s best for you. But there is one that stands out in the crowd.

BuyAnyInsurance has become a household name since its inception in 2018. Our innovative initiatives in the world of online insurance support have changed the game.

What started as an idea between two friends has quickly become a leading online resource for buyers searching for insurance policies that suit their needs. Michael Ilyas and Mark Bachayani wanted more from the online service available for insurance in the UAE. Because they knew the market so well, they quickly pounced on what they felt needed to be added and made BuyAnyInurance.com the change leader.

So, what makes BuyAnyInsurance so different?

BuyAnyInsurance Online Insurance

Facebook Chatbot

A lot of online businesses have a social media presence. They even have automated messages to answer potential customers’ queries. BuyAnyInsurance takes this a step further. Whether you’re searching for car insurance or health insurance, the BuyAnyInsurance Facebook chatbot will help you with any basic needs on the spot.

Customer Support Chatbot

Many times we’ve seen customer support chatbots that help buyers with random questions while hopping online. However, they are usually generic responses. With BuyAnyInsurance you get the personal touch. We have a dedicated team that responds to your queries. So when you ask our chatbot a question you have a real live person on the other side responding.

This level of support is guaranteed across the website. So, next time you go home insurance shopping you’ll have all the help you need.

online insurance car insurance health insurance home insurance
online insurance car insurance health insurance home insurance

Online Insurance Help Desk

BuyAnyInsurance has recently launched its Help Desk. Covering a wide range of questions about the company as well as car insurance, health insurance, and home insurance, the Help Desk is designed to make it easier for buyers to understand what they are looking for.

Often buyers are confused about what they need from their insurance policy. The Help Desk is a great way for them to find things out on time.

Our Team of Insurance Experts

Online insurance is nothing if the team running the show isn’t committed to making the experience worthwhile. Our team of experts has years of experience under their belts and has been working round the clock to make the online insurance buying experience as smooth as possible for UAE buyers.

With BuyAnyInsurance, you can rest easy that the work is being done in your favor. We are an independent platform with no personal stake in any insurance company. Our main concern is the satisfaction of our customers. You can expect unbiased reviews and insurance quotes at BuyAnyInurnace.com – the UAE’s premier online insurance comparison website.


Can I get insurance online?

Yes, you can easily get car insurance online. It can take a few minutes if you’re prepared with basic information about yourself, your driving record and your vehicle. An online car insurance policy can go into effect as soon as you make the first payment online.

How can I check my car insurance status in the UAE?

To check the insurance details of your car, visit the RTA website or Emirates Vehicle Gate app and Login using the registration number of your car. You will get  all the available details for the car, including the car insurance plan, validity status, grace period, expiration date, etc.

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    Originally published May 02, 2020 22:07:37 PM, updated Jun 06, 2024

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