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Quick Tips for Cheap Car Insurance in Dubai

Written by Sahar

Cheap car insurance is attainable in a city like Dubai. You just need to know where to look.

Who doesn’t like saving Money? We’re all looking for that elusive discount or promo code to save us a few Dirhams. It’s human nature to try and save even a little bit. But some things are essential. No matter how hard you try, you’ll have to pay for them even if the prices are astronomical.

Case in point – Car insurance in Dubai.

Not only is it mandatory by law, but it can also be very expensive. Monthly premiums can’t be skipped. If you do, you risk running fines or being uninsured when crisis strikes.

So, how can you have your cake and eat it too?

Here are some tips to help you scale back the premiums but keep the quality of your insurance intact. Our tips on getting cheap car insurance in Dubai will help you navigate the insurance market.

Think Before You Buy Your Car

As soon as you start the insurance process, you’ll realize that a lot decides your premium. Factors such as age, where you live, and how many drivers experience on the road are all considered.

This includes your vehicle. Brand new, expensive, and luxury cars, as a rule, will hike up the premium. This is because the insurance provider takes the market value of the vehicle. Brand new and luxury cars have a higher market value and will cost more to repair in case of damage. Hence, a higher premium.

If you want to avoid high premiums and get cheap car insurance, it would be best to buy something more economical. Family cars are considered high value for Money. Second-hand cars are also a good investment. Because their market value is lower, you can get cheaper car insurance on them.

Conduct Independent Comparison for Cheap Car Insurance

If you go to the source of the insurance policy, you’re highly unlikely to get an unbiased review. Insurance providers are keen to keep their public appeal up. They carefully curate their online presence, so you only hear good things about them.

To get the most unbiased view, you need independent platforms where you can compare policies and companies. The best thing about online insurance comparison platforms is that you can often find competitive rates and discounts. So, if you’re on the search for cheap car insurance in the UAE you need to get online.

Get What You Need from Cheap Car Insurance

Sure, you want cheap car insurance. But at what cost? You don’t want to compromise on coverage. Therefore, we recommend you draw up a list of must-haves. What do you need in your car insurance? What can’t you live without?

Once you’ve marked out what you need, it will be harder to get swayed by sweet-talking insurance representatives. Buying cheap car insurance is like shopping for groceries. It would help if you went on a full stomach and with a shopping list to stay within budget.

Putting Your Car to Good Use

As we mentioned before, much of your premium depends on your car and how you use it. If you’re going to be racking up mileage throughout the insurance term, you can expect a higher premium. You see, it all has to do with the risk involved.

Car dedicated to domestic activities are low risk because they hardly get out of the house for long periods. But vehicles used for regular and lengthy commutes are risky. They are almost always on the road and bound to get more wear and tear.

To get cheap car insurance, you need to keep your mileage in check. Only use your vehicle for out-of-city travel. Use local transport and car-hailing apps frequently to help reduce your premium.

Higher Excess/Deductible for Cheap Car Insurance

A sure-fire way to get your premium to plummet is to get a higher excess or deductible. Essentially, this means that you pay a certain amount out-of-pocket in case damage is incurred. Now, I know what you’re thinking – why should you pay out-of-pocket when you’re also paying for insurance. Let us explain.

Having a high excess means you pay less for insurance. You still get all the coverage, but it doesn’t cost as much. Instead, you cover a part of the cost in case of damage. This is great for low-risk drivers who hardly take their vehicles out or are very careful on the road. If you have a clean driving history and are hardly ever involved in an accident, you should seriously consider higher excess.

Model Citizen

Taking it further from the above point – you can be a model citizen by getting cheap car insurance. When assessing risk, you are a major factor in what the insurance company decides to charge as a premium.

If you have a bad driving history, it’s unlikely you’ll get cheap car insurance. Low-risk model citizens get better insurance premiums. It’s just a fact. So, if you want cheap car insurance, you must follow traffic rules.

Be Upfront About Discounts

If you don’t ask, you’ll never know. That should be your motto when shopping for cheap car insurance. When in doubt, ask. Ask about better coverage. Ask about lower rates. Ask about discounts. Always ask. What’s the worst that can happen?

Third-Party Liability Insurance

If all else fails, you can always opt for third-party liability insurance. It’s the most basic form of insurance in the UAE and costs a fraction of Comprehensive Coverage. Of course, it doesn’t cover your car for damages at all. But you can opt for theft and fire coverage. Add that to your third-party liability for a bit more coverage at a lower cost.

And there you have it. You can get cheap car insurance in Dubai for sure. Just follow the above, and you’ll soon be where you want to be.


What is the cheapest way to insure a car?

7 Ways to Get the Cheapest Car Insurance Quotes:

  1. Don’t assume any one company is the cheapest
  2. Don’t ignore local and regional insurers
  3. Ask about discounts
  4. Work on your credit
  5. Skip comprehensive and collision coverage for an older car
  6. Raise your deductible
  7. Consider usage-based or pay-per-mile insurance

What’s the cheapest month to insure a car?

February and August have been considered as the cheapest months for car insurance. Because, car insurance quotes are low as compared to the other months.

What day is the cheapest to insure a car?

Buying your car insurance three weeks ahead of the start day is likely to get you the cheapest price from a comparison site like BuyAnyInsurance, lowering your premium.

How can I really lower my car insurance?

Here are a few tips to lower your car insurance:

  • Raise your deductible
  • Look if you qualify for any discounts
  • Compare car insurance quotes from different insurance providers
  • Maintain a clean driving record
  • Take driving courses
  • Explore different payment options
  • Maintain a good credit score

What 3 steps can you take to lower your auto insurance premiums?

Here are the three main steps that you can take to lower your auto insurance premiums:

  • Shop around and explore different insurance providers
  • Maintain a good credit score
  • Compare quotes from different insurance providers

Is car insurance expensive in Dubai?

The amount you pay as car insurance in Dubai depends upon your car’s original price. As a rule of thumb, if your car’s value is more than three hundred thousand AED, you will have to pay 2.75% of your car’s original value. If the price of your car ranges between 100,000 AED to 300,000 AED, you will pay 3% and if the car’s value is less than 100,000 the insurance cost is 3.25% of your car’s value.

What is the simplest way to lower your auto insurance premium?

Here are a few tips to lower your auto insurance premium:

  • Choose the plan that suits your needs
  • Get the bundled insurance
  • Choose the best insurance provider
  • Get a low mileage discount
  • Maintain a good credit score

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    Originally published Feb 26, 2020 21:35:33 PM, updated Jun 06, 2024

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