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Tips To Get Cheaper Car Insurance For Young Drivers

Written by Wasim

Getting a cheaper car insurance policy for young drivers aged between 18 to 24 is quite a difficult task in the UAE. Young drivers are always making the headlines due to their involvement in accidents that results in claims.

How can young drivers save on car insurance?

According to statistics released by MOI, young drivers are the catalysts of the forty-five percent of car accidents in the UAE. They are said to be a lot more impulsive, which affects their judgment. This is the main reason for their skyrocketing car insurance prices. However, there’s plenty they can do to help keep the costs down. Let’s take a look:

Tips To Get Cheaper Car Insurance For Young Drivers

  1. Select The Cover Wisely

    Don’t just assume third party is the best insurance policy for you because its cheaper than comprehensive. Although comprehensive car cover is usually the most expensive type of car insurance, they are certain factors to consider. Comprehensive covers both your car and other cars if you have an accident. Third-party cover only covers claims against you if you’re involved in an accident and injure someone. Also, it includes the cost of repairing or replacing the other person’s car, but not your own. You need to assess your driving habits and decide which cover best suits your driver profile. Subsequently, you will not receive any if you choose the cheaper option, then get involved in a wreck and end up losing the car. Sometimes going for what seems to be an expensive option is better. You will save you money in the long run.

  2. Compare From Many Quotes Instead Of Just One Company

    See a range of car insurance quotes and compare them in just a few minutes. You can do that online with us at buyanyinsurance. You can benefit a lot from comparison quotes with different levels of cover before you purchase. It will assist you to make a more informed decision. It is often said that comprehensive insurance is an expensive option for young drivers but is that true? considering it’s them who usually tend to make more substantial claims. Indeterminately bear this in mind before you compare and purchase way cheaper car insurance.  Sacrificing the quality of cover over the price could end up costing you more in the long term.

  3. Reduce Insurance Risk

    Good driving is crucial to saving money when it comes to car insurance. Though it’s impossible to presume that speeding and running a red light hardly won’t happen at all, you can save by coming across as a more conscientious driver even if you are young. If you consider yourself an exceptional driver and haven’t been in many accidents, there are ways to get discounts on your car insurance. For instance, if you don’t commit traffic violations or cause any accidents, your insurance company will almost always reduce your rates. The discounts offered by insurers diversify, but many can be as high as 20%. 

  4. Consider Increasing Your Excess

    Choosing to pay a higher voluntary excess abreast of the compulsory excess you’re quoted can significantly help you get cheaper car insurance.  Voluntary excess is the amount you would have to pay upfront if you make a claim. However, it is essential to make sure you’re able to afford to pay the excess if you do have an accident. Young drivers with little money often struggle to stump up this money after a crash. Moreover, statistically speaking, young drivers are more likely to file a claim within the first year of driving, so be cautious that you could end up forking out the higher voluntary excess earlier than intended.


Is it cheaper to insure an older car?

Fortunately yes, most of the old cars are cheaper to insure, particularly in case of comprehensive and collision insurance. 

What is the cheapest car insurance for new drivers?

There are some companies offering cheapest car insurance for new drivers including Adamjee, Adnic, and Axa insurance etc! You can compare the quotes and choose the best for you from BuyAnyInsurance!

Who has the cheapest car insurance for new drivers?

Adamjee Insurance has the cheapest car insurance for new drivers. 

Who has the cheapest car insurance for young drivers?

Union Insurance has the cheapest car insurance for young drivers.

How do you get cheap auto insurance?

To put it simply; by shopping around. You have to explore different options, compare quotes from different companies and select the one that suits your needs and budget.

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    Originally published Jul 01, 2019 22:57:54 PM, updated Jun 07, 2024

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