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How to reduce the cost of Home Insurance in Dubai?

Written by Ahmed Shabbir

If you want to save some cost on your home insurance premium, you should follow many things to save money on your insurance premium. 

Many people think that the cheapest home insurance is the best option. But somewhere, you compromise on the insurance cover if you go for low-cost or most affordable home insurance. However, it would be best to look for home insurance with comprehensive coverage at a reasonable price.

Let’s have a look at some money-saving tips to lower the cost of your home insurance policy.

How can I find cheaper home insurance?

Compare Home Insurance Dubai quotes

It is always good to keep an eye on the market, even if you’re happy with your current home insurance policy. Still, it’s better to watch the insurance quotes to get the best rate for your home insurance policy. Get in contact with BuyAnyInsurance to get the best rates for Home insurance UAE.

Don’t always go with your Mortgage Provider

Sometimes people feel pressured to get Home Insurance from their mortgage provider. It could be convenient for you, but there may be cheaper deals available in the market that you missed from buying home insurance from a mortgage provider. Usually, mortgage providers ask for building insurance. But, legally, you’re not bound to take home insurance from the mortgage provider’s recommendation.

Consider taking out separate content and building insurance policy

Most people who own their home opt for combined content and building insurance under one policy with the same insurance provider. Because it looks more accessible and less expensive for home insurance, sometimes you will get a better price if you get it from different providers. Furthermore, you can also get two different renewals to manage home insurance.

How can I reduce my home insurance costs?

There are several ways to reduce your home insurance cost quickly. Even if you follow these tips, you can still reduce your existing home insurance cost:

  • Build up a no claim discount
  • Pay Annually 
  • Don’t over-insure your home
  • Increase your home insurance excess
  • Don’t pay for the things you don’t need

Build up a no claim discount

If you don’t make any claim, you can earn a no-claim benefit on your home insurance renewal. Due to this, you can reduce the amount of the premium you pay for home insurance.

Pay Annually

Although paying every month in installments could be more convenient. But it would cost you more because the insurer charges you interest and admin costs every month. In contrast, no such cost has been added to the annual payment. Hence, reducing your total insurance premium cost.

Don’t over-insure your home

It is recommended not to be underinsured. Because it will not benefit you in case of loss. But, over-insurance is also not recommended. It’s better to have a proper calculation of your contents. It is recommended to consult with an insurance agent to help you get an appropriate estimation of your content.

Increase your home insurance excess

If you voluntarily pay a high excess on any claim, you could get a discount from the insurance provider. But keep in mind that a higher excess might seem to you a higher cost in the event of a home insurance claim.

Don’t pay for the things you don’t need

Don’t pay for unnecessary things like if you live on the top floor of the building and don’t have the garden facility. Then, paying for the Garden coverage is just a waste of money.

Things to do to Reduce my Home Insurance Cost

Insurance companies usually ask several questions about your property to assess the risk of claiming your home insurance policy. Some security and maintenance tips for you helps you reduce your home insurance cost:

  • Install CCTV and a burglar alarm
  • Fit secure locks
  • Install security lighting
  • Install a safe
  • Make your home fireproof
  • Don’t continuously leave your home unoccupied
  • Insulate water pipes
  • Protect your home against potential flooding
  • Remove all trees
  • Join the neighborhood watch scheme

Compare Home Insurance Dubai

It is good to make a good comparison of home insurance policies provided by various insurance companies. It will give you the understanding of the features companies are offering in their policy subject to the price. BuyAnyInsurance will provide you the best service to make a good home insurance policies comparison on current basis, and provide you with the best home insurance Dubai deal.

Home Insurance Policy Features

So what exactly does a home insurance policy provide?

  • Comprehensive coverage against accidental damage, fires, or breakages.
  • Coverage against damage caused by natural disasters such as earthquakes, lightning strikes, dust storms, etc.
  • Liability covers against any claims for the owner and occupier of the insured property.
  • Coverage of legal liabilities for the tenant against any damage to the landlord’s property.
  • Free customer support 24/7, 365 days a year.

Types of Home Insurance

There are three types of home insurance plans available in the UAE. To sum them up:

Building Insurance

As the name suggests, this type of home insurance covers the basic structure of the building and pays for the repair and rebuilding claims against the property. It includes everything from the walls, floors, fixtures and fittings, the garage, gates, backyards, and even fences. The damage to the property could be from intentional acts of spiteful vandalism, fire, or even natural disasters.

Another feature of building insurance is third-party liability coverage against any harm or accident on the premises of the insured property. It also covers any eventual loss of use, alternative accommodations costs, and loss of income through rent.

Home Contents Insurance

Home Contents Insurance covers accidental damage, theft, and fire damage to the personal property in your home. It may include appliances, furniture, paintings, art installations, and electronics. These items are not covered in Building Insurance. They do not come with the property’s structure but are additional features. They are usually purchased and installed by the owner or tenant.

Personal Belongings Insurance

Just like Building Insurance doesn’t cover the contents of the house similarly, Home Content Insurance doesn’t cover certain personal items. These include personal clothing, jewelry, accessories, and credit cards. Private Belongings Insurance covers these in case of damage or burglary. A few insurance providers offer policies where Personal Belongings Insurance provides coverage in case of financial fraud on credit/debit cards issued in the UAE.

Home Insurance Policy Inclusions

Unforeseen Circumstances and Natural Calamities

Home insurance policies cover damages to property by natural calamities such as dust storms, lightning strikes, explosions, and fires due to gas leaks, earthquakes, etc. Moreover, inclusion events like riots and strikes are also covered due to unforeseen accidents.

Emergency Alternative Accommodations

If the insured property is no longer uninhabitable, the insurance provider will reimburse the policyholder for any expenses accrued from finding emergency accommodation.

Of course, this is only if the damage was done by instances listed in the policy. Theft, fire, natural calamities are usually covered. However, self-induced damage is not. Furthermore, the property must indeed be unlivable. The Emergency Alternative Accommodation will not be provided if only a portion of the property is damaged or uninhabitable.

Liability of the Tenant

Not everyone chooses to live in the property they’ve bought. Many owners choose to rent their properties out. In cases such as these, it is a paramount concern of the property owner if the home insurance policy will cover any damage done to the property by the tenant.

The simple answer is yes. Any damage done to a property rented out will be covered to the extent outlined in the policy. It includes any legal liability on the part of the tenant.

Stolen House Keys

Stolen or misplaced house keys are covered under home insurance. Additionally, the cost of replacing the house keys, the lock mechanism, etc., is also covered.

Does Home Insurance Hold if the Owner is Away?

Home insurance will make little sense to expire if the owner is away from home. People have to go away for work, or on holidays. The policy still holds if the owner is away, although there is a tie restriction of 60 days. If the trip lasts longer than 60 days, you need to inform your insurance provider and keep them in the loop.

Many property owners employ house sitters when they go away on lengthy trips. It is an excellent idea because the property is not ultimately left alone, and the house sitter can take care of any repairs needed in a timely fashion. It also deters burglars and those of malicious intent.

However, legal liability comes into question for any loss or damage to third-party individuals and personal property on your insured premises. These damages are also covered.

Additionally, these liabilities are also covered if the owner is at home at the time.

Loss of Frozen Food

An extension of the unforeseen circumstances inclusion, frozen food cover provides for the event where all the food in your fridge and freezer is spoiled because of a power outage due to a breakdown in the public power supply.

Theft and Burglary

Home insurance includes any form of theft or burglary of the contents on the insured property. It can be extended to include personal belongings such as clothes, electronic gadgets, and jewelry. The only condition is that these valuables must be kept under lock and key and not left out in the open.

Personal Contents Out in the Open

The home insurance policy can also include items kept out in the open. A home insurance policy can cover garden furniture, gardening tools, and decorative pieces.

Shifting House

When you shift houses, your primary concern is whether the contents of your home will still be covered through home insurance. If a professional moving company is employed, they will be protected against any damage.

Home Insurance Policy Exclusions

Every insurance provider has a list of exclusions. Some exclusions are dependent on each case. Some of the most common exclusions we’ve found in our research are as follows:

  • Loss or damage caused due to wear and tear or general property depreciation. It excludes the insurance provider from any claim because property maintenance is the owner’s prerogative, something the insurance provider can’t force the owner to do.
  • Loss of cash. A bank transaction can’t corroborate the exact amount. The insurance company will not provide coverage for a loss it can’t authenticate.
  • Electronic device damage or destruction due to over-use or use for unintended purposes. There will be no claim if an electronic device or appliance is misused to the point of breakdown. Similarly, if the device is used for something not made for, the insurance provider will not entertain any claims.
  • In war or an invasion by a foreign country, the insurance company will not be responsible for any loss or damage to property. It includes nuclear war.

How to Claim Home Insurance

Policy information is all well and good, but the basic crux is how to apply for a claim if and when the need arises. Most insurance providers follow a standard set of rules, although some require more documents than most. In such cases, the provider will inform you of which additional documents they need.

  • It is essential to be aware of the time limit when making a claim. It is advisable to start your claims process as soon as possible. Most insurance providers appreciate a claim initiation within seven to fifteen days of the incident. Any later than the specified period and you are jeopardizing your claim.
  • How you inform your insurance provider is up to you. It can be via email, SMS, or even post. As long as it is within the specified time, it doesn’t usually matter. Insurance providers will inform you if there is a specific mode of receiving the information they prefer.
  • Before you lodge your complaint, register an FIR. This is especially important in case of theft, burglary, or malicious damage to your property.
  • Take photographic evidence of the damage. All digital pictures are time-stamped. It will strengthen your claim.
  • Send your insurance provider a copy of the FIR and the photographs with your claim.
  • Other documents that will be needed are:
    • 1. In case of a fire, the report from the fire department
    • 2. For disabilities, and in the event of a death, the medical reports and death certificate signed by a medical officer
    • 3. The police investigation report
    • 4. In case contents were replaced, then the original invoice from the supplier
    • 5. Invoices of owned articles that you’re claiming
    • 6. An estimate of repair work needed, or if repairs were done, then an original invoice from the repairman
    • 7. If the case went to court, then a copy of the court summons and its eventual outcome


We have received the following frequently asked questions related to Home Insurance Dubai:

Is it necessary to get home insurance in Dubai?

No, it’s not essential unlike third party car insurance. The UAE government does not bind you to get home insurance. However, it is in your personal benefit, and it won’t cost much.

What is Home Insurance Dubai cost?

Home Insurance in Dubai starts from Dh21 and increases depend upon the type of policy. Hence, it costs you less than Dh1 per day.

Do I need holiday home insurance?

Holiday home insurance is not necessary. But, if your property is on mortgage then the owner may ask you to cover holiday home insurance as well. However, it’s good to get your home insured when you’re not at home.

Wrapping Up!

Home insurance costs can be reduced if we follow steps like paying a premium annually instead of a monthly basis to save money on administrative costs. Moreover, don’t pay for unnecessary coverage like if you don’t have a garden, then don’t pay for garden coverage. But most important is first to make sure the security measures of your house, like CCTV cameras, safe lock, removing trees, should be up to date. You can also take advantage of the no claim benefit certificate and get a discount on your insurance premium. Furthermore, you can consult BuyAnyInsurance to get the best quote for your home insurance policy.

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Originally published Feb 16, 2022 11:00:43 AM, updated Jun 05, 2024

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