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The Right Way to Compare Automobile Insurance Quotes

Written by Umair


Automobile insurance quotes are something people look for quite frequently these days. Today, we tell you how to get an accurate policy estimate.

Insurance Authority is the body that oversees functions pertaining to insurance needs in the UAE.So ALWAYS consult them if you are looking to learn about regulations in the UAE.

Interestingly, every insurer handles your details differently.

Since every insurer quotes a different price and has a different plan available you can choose from, you should always compare all the insurance plans before taking a final decision in this regard.

Luckily, online automobile insurance quotes have made things a lot easier for buyers, with a policy estimate available almost instantly!

Despite this, there are several things you need to know before you start purchasing your first policy.

Let’s begin.

Policy Estimates


How do you define automobile insurance quotes?

It estimates how much it would cost to insure your vehicle through any given company. A policy estimate is essential to show you which insurance provider offers the best service that meets your specific needs. It gives you a rough idea of the price you can expect. Ideally, it would help to compare around 3-to 4 insurance providers to get the best deal. Additionally, it is very helpful in getting you a fair price for your chosen coverage plan.

How are car insurance quotes determined?

Usually, coverage costs are based on the risk an insurance provider undertakes to secure your vehicle from any eventuality.For instance, if the insurer determines that a huge risk is present in your automobile it will charge you a higher amount. This is because as the risk level is high, the company will have to pay more on a claim.Typically, you are expected to answer a huge number of questions during the quote process.Also, there are a number of factors that are considered before determining quotes.Generally, these include:– your driving record, claims history, age – model, make and year of your car– gender, marital status, address– credit score, coverage type, – car usage

How accurate is an auto policy estimate?

It largely depends on you. For insurance companies to calculate accurately, you need to provide detailed information about your car, your driving record, and so on. However, if you rush through the quote form or provide false information, your car coverage cost will not be accurate.

Where can you get automobile insurance quotes?

Automobile insurance quotes comparison can be done in two ways.You can either visit an insurance company’s office or can get quotes online.Looking for an insurance quote online? You may like to read this: Where can you buy insurance online Dubai?

Who is eligible to buy insurance plans in the UAE?

You will need to have a valid registration number, registration documents, driving license and driving permit to buy an insurance plan in the UAE.

In which month car insurance is cheaper to buy?

February and August are the best months to buy cheaper car insurance plans.

Should you shop around for car insurance?

Yes! You should shop around every 6-12 months to make sure that you are getting the best car insurance plans because insurance companies keep changing their rates frequently. 

Added Notes:

However, ensure that the website you are comparing your car insurance quotes from is credible and has after-sale support.

This is because many websites out there claim to provide comparison services, but in reality, the quote they come up with is either wrong or unreliable.

Therefore, always ensure that the website you wish to compare insurances from has a strong team of insurance professionals, focuses on saving your Money, and does that in less time.

These are the identifying attributes of a trustworthy website.

Hence, this takes us to the next section of this article.

More on Prices

More often than not, the single factor people are most concerned about is the price.

Not surprisingly, if you have a price concern, you are not the only one.

As living costs rise, more and more people wish to cut their prices.

Above all, many people have serious concerns about the price and need help to get the best policy estimate. As a result, here are some things you can do to reduce your coverage cost.

  1. How to get the best rates for car coverage cost?

    Usually, the best thing to do is to call up your insurance provider and negotiate for a better price.Additionally, car insurance quotes online are also easily available.Other than this, there are other promotions, programs, and discounts that auto policy provider can add on or give you some valuable information.

  2. What is the best way to get a better policy estimate online?

    At times, car insurance quotes comparison can get complicated.For example, online quotes might work well for standard situations.But, if you go the extra mile, you might also get extra benefits.Therefore, you should probably call them up, tell them your situation so that they can review and suggest a solution which works for you!

  3. What are some of the issues is insurance score ratings?

    There are certain factors that take a toll on your insurance ratings.Surprisingly, it might also include things such as divorce.Going through a divorce might hurt your credit ratings.Nevertheless, you should always consult an insurance professional.They can help you clarify their policy for you and may even revise the rates for you!Also, if you are living in a far off area, your insurance score or rating is likely to be very different from someone living in a safer area.So always consult your coverage provider who can better tell about the impact of your location on your insurance cost.

Added Notes:

A couple of years back, things were not as advanced as today.And as a result, you had to go through a tough time while choosing a reliable insurance provider.

Fast forward to 2019, now you can get automobile insurance quotes in just around a minute!

Similarly, government support for the insurance sector has also increased which is good news for you!Luckily, competition in the market has also pushed every insurance provider to introduce better and innovative services.

Resultantly, this initiative has proved to be a GREAT piece of news for the customers who were unaware of the insurance companies and their coverage plans.

This takes us to the final section of this article.

Comparing Insurance Quotes

Once your price considerations are resolved, there are a number of other factors you need to take into account.

Normally, you do this by assessing your potential insurance company’s strengths and weaknesses.

After this, you get a fair idea and a clear picture regarding all the policy options out there and which one is within your budget.

Below we have compiled six ways you can effectively compare car quotes:

Six Ways to Compare

1. Compare plans

As discussed above too, you should ALWAYS get car insurance quotes comparison done for your ease.

In fact, experiment with different options to see how it affects your overall policy estimate.

Perhaps your coverage cost might have included something you don’t need.

Another thing you should keep in mind is to always inform your insurance provider about any of your life changes.

For instance, you need to tell your provider whether you have gotten married or just had a baby as this can have a bearing on your coverage cost too!

2. Check the company’s financial strength

Not all insurance providers are good for you!

Therefore, make sure to check company profiles online before you consider buying from them.

In this way, you can get an overall feel about the company’s financial strength as well as the range of services it offers.

If it suits you, well and good.

If it doesn’t, look for other companies.

3. Set a good rate

Check with your insurance provider to see the duration the policy rate will continue.

Typically, the policy rate stays the same for six months or a year.

Still, it is generally advised to get a clearer picture from day one to make the necessary arrangements.

4. Review your policy document

A lot of people do not read their policy documents and this is why they end up in trouble.

Generally, the policy documents contain everything you need to know about your insurance.Again, always check for service fees, towing limits and your car rental limits so that you are not surprised when your claim is rejected.

5. Look out for discounts

Usually, companies mention discounts in their promotional materials.However, the discounts that are advertised are not always the ONLY ones.As a result, you should always ask for any additional discounts that are not advertised.By doing this, you can get an even clearer insurance quote comparison.

6. Create a Scorecard

Okay, for this you need to be a bit creative.

Create your own scorecard mentioning different attributes and then compare them with the insurance companies.Additionally, you can also mention attributes like price, service offered, response time, friendliness and after-sale support to find out the company that stands out from the crowd.

Parting Notes:

We hope this article helps you make a better decision regarding automobile insurance quotes. From answering some of the most asked questions to price comparisons and other ways to compare automobile costs, this article was specially written to give you an interesting insight into the world of insurance!

Did you learn something useful here? Do you have something else to add? Are you able to get better insurance quotes now? Let us know in the comments!

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    Originally published Sep 18, 2020 17:06:00 PM, updated May 08, 2024

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